Saturday, August 23, 2008

OOT : Question & Answer (Innocent & Annoying)

Innocent Questions, Innocent Answer 


Was around March, when we were in Pelabuhan Ratu, 8years old? Cute smart lil girl asked me suddenly out of the blue :p


Q : Tante Anne, how old are?

A : Im 30 (didn’t really feel like mentioning that # :P)

Q : Why aren’t married yet?

A : ………………………………………………………………………

(iiihh gemes deh  Got no right words to answer this innocent question, was just laughing, and have some friends laughin at me hahhahahah)


I remember beginning of this year 15 year old boy asked me exactly same questions I then answered :

‘it’s a choice, its not a must…. ‘


That was not too wise answer to 15year old boy, tiara said, but I was just bit surprise with that innocent question and didn’t know how to answer wisely  
He then argued, he thinks that it’s a must and normal thing to do.. hahaha (gemes banget deh…..) I had no more wise argument 4that


Well then………. few weeks ago, the same lil smart girl asked me, again out of the blue when I was driving otw to Bandung she asked,


Q : Tante Anne, Why u don’t have husband yet??

A : (Excuse me..??? ) hahhahah well, before I answer that, have u ever seen me having boyfriend?

Q : No

A : Well, ask me that again if u see me having boyfriend ok? I’ll try to answer then. Hahahahha (gemes lagi deh.. its so not fair, she never asked Tiara those questions)


Not gonna answer that why don’t u have husband yet hahhahahaha hold myself from answering the same to that 15years old boy


Annoying Questions, Annoying to Answer


Q : Hows love life?

A : Hahahahhahahahha what is that again? Sounds familiar 


Q : U have BF? Seeing some one?

A : Hahahahahahhahha (annoying to answer same annoying question with same answer for a while :p)


I now remember that there was handsome guy asked me that, u have boyfriend? No, I said (was not to annoying to answer at that time ) He then replied ooh not yet.. I didn’t ask him back though We ended up goin out for a month and somehow found out he probably have GF oeps...  Few moths after he’s gone with the wind back to his country, I met a guy ever said, its such a lame open line to ask a girl if she have gf. Oeps.. i fell for that lame  line (was not opening line though :P) hahahhaha


Well anyway…. There’s someone that I wonder if he has GF or not, but not dare enough to ask that annoying question :P hahhahahahha


Well next…….. :)


[Mates… if u know who that is… its DEFINITELY NOT 4PUBLIC CONSUMPTION ok????? :P:P:P:P thank you terima kasih]


  1. ok. i am not a little girl and i am not going to ask why you don't have a husband. err... why don't you have a boyfriend? X-) you should tell that little girl that you are too young to get married. she would have understood hahaha...

  2. LOL, errrr why go to annoyin question pls hahahhaha i still have same answer
    thanks for the advice I'll say that to her if she asked again, that im too young.. lets see her argument hahahha =)
